About Us

Power Plant Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Project in Pagbilao, Philippines


Senior management of the CEPA group have a strong track record in the construction of infrastructure projects and major developments, including helping to build and list a company called Consolidated Electric Power Asia Limited on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This company was the largest private power company in Asia at the time, with projects in China, the Philippines, Indonesia and India. In 1997 a subsidiary of NYSE listed Southern Company of the United States acquired an 80% interest in Consolidated Electric Power Asia Limited for US$2.7 billion.

Senior management of the CEPA group are now involved with the construction, development, finance and operation of power plants, LNG facilities and renewable energy projects in Indonesia, Philippines, the USA and other developing countries.

The CEPA group began in 2007 and in 2012 commenced a contract to provide operation and maintenance services to a 315 MW gas fired power station in Indonesia. The CEPA group has subsequently been awarded additional contracts for power stations and LNG facilities. It has also expanded into providing a full suite of services for project owners including site security, safe LNG storage and shipping, in addition to its core operations and maintenance services.



The CEPA group is led by Mr Stewart Elliott.

Mr Elliott has been a main board director of several public companies during his career, which began in the UK, before moving to Australia and then Hong Kong. He was an executive director of Hong Kong listed Hopewell Holdings Limited, from 1980 until 1998, leading many of its infrastructure projects and major developments (including leading the construction of the Hopewell Centre in Hong Kong) and helping to build and list a company called Consolidated Electric Power Asia Limited on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In 1997, Southern Energy Asia Inc. (a subsidiary of the NYSE listed Southern Company of the United States) acquired an 80% interest in Consolidated Electric Power Asia Limited for US$2.7 billion.

In 2000, Mr Elliott founded Energy World International and took control of what is now known as Energy World Corporation (“EWC”). EWC is incorporated in Australia and in 1988 listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Mr Elliott is Chairman and CEO of EWC, which owns and develops gas fields, LNG facilities and gas-fired power stations in the Asia Pacific region. Through Energy World International, Mr Elliott owns 39.6% of the issued share capital of EWC. In addition, Energy World International has investments in other clean energy projects in a number of countries. The CEPA group is working closely with Energy World International towards a sustainable future of renewable energy development, operations and maintenance.


Registered Address –
Hazelwood Gregory Lane,
Durley, Southampton,
United Kingdom, SO32 2BS

Hong Kong Address -
Suite 4823, 48th Floor,
Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road,
Hong Kong

(852) 2861 0719